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[1994] An Idea Was Born
After multiple visits to a California library with her children, Lulis Camarena, founder of Imagina Biblioteca Infantil (Imagina Children’s Library) realized that underprivileged children in León, Guanajuato, México didn’t have access to libraries or computers as aides to their growth. The concepting for the creation of Imagina Biblioteca Infantil (Imagina Children’s Library) began.
[1995] Imagina Begins Making An Impact
Imagina starts its operations in diverse locations before the organization found a permanent location. Readings were taken to hospitals, local schools in poor communities, safe houses, etc.
[1996] First Doors Open
Space was lent by the owners of a Shopping Mall for two years and Imagina opened its doors to their first home. During this time, Imagina bused underprivileged children from their schools.
[1997] Gifts That Kept Giving
First computers donated by Apple Computer (CA)
[1998] Imagina Finds a New Home
The Universidad Iberoamericana Campus León recognizes the importance of the Imagina project and offers temporary space for the library while Imagina finds a permanent location.
[1998] Groundbreaking of Imagina Children’s Library
“Primera Piedra” for new building for Imagina Children’s Library
[1999] Imagina Relocates
Imagina relocates to the “Los Castillos” community with its youth and children’s programs sharing the buildings with AMSIF that generously hosted us.
[2001] Children’s Library Opens Its Own Building
Imagina Children’s Library opens its own building equipped with around 3,000 books. It also started with some workshops like theater, jazz and drawing.
[2002] Preschool Inauguration
Inauguration of Imagina’s Preschool begins three grades with one group per grade.
[2004] Kindergarten is Incorporated
Imagina’s Kindergarten is incorporated to the Secretary of Education (Mexico).
[2005] Workshops and Daycare Services
To fulfill a present need, Imagina creates around 8 art, music, educational workshops and adds daycare services.
[2009] Imagina Creates an Orchestra
Lourdes Arena de Orozco, Imagina’s Children Symphonic Orchestra founder, helps Imagina start its own orchestra inspired by the “tocar y luchar” program from Venezuela. The Imagina Children Symphonic Orchestra is created with five teachers and a director where they use a patio to practice.
[2010] Imagina Children’s Foundation is Born
Imagina Founder, Lulis Camarena, creates Imagina Children’s Foundation in Boca Raton, Florida to support the incredible growth happening in the field in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico through fundraising events and creating awareness.
[2011] Partnership with UVEG
Agreement with UVEG for online high school and college degree courses.
[2014] Groundbreaking of Cultural & Ecological Center
First “adobe” marks the beginning of construction for the Cultural and Ecological Center.
[2015] Imagina Mexico’s Orchestra Performs in the USA
Harmony Without Borders brought 36 children from Imagina Children’s Orchestra to Florida where they performed beautifully, met their friends and donors from Florida.
[2016] Creation of Psychopedagogical Services
A psychopedagogical area was created to offer the community services in the areas of children’s psychology, education and family.
[2016] Robotics Program Introduced
Robotics classes begin and students are prepared for their first Robotics Team competition.
[2016] Inauguration of the Cultural & Ecological Center
Inauguration of the Cultural and Ecological Center calls for celebration. Imagina’s Orchestra now has a home with private rooms made for practicing, theatre for performances, lessons, etc. Parma-culture courses, art expositions and special workshops now offered.
[2016] New Workshops are Introduced to Imagina Students
The Orchestra now has its own private rooms for practicing, a theatre for performances, perma-culture courses, art expositions and special workshops.
[2017] Night to Imagina
8 orchestra students from Leon traveled to Boca Raton, FL to perform for the local community and experience a new culture while inspiring all who heard their amazing talent.
[2018] Alejandra Avila
Alejandra Avila, an Imagina orchestra student, was chosen as first violin for the Children and Youth Symphony Orchestra of Mexico, performing in the famed Mexican Bellas Artes theatre.
[2018 to Present]
As our reach expands, we continue to grow our programs. There’s more to come!
[2020] Imagine: A Journey Through Dance
Imagine: A Journey Through Dance. Students from our ballet and orchestra programs travelled to Boca Raton, FL to perform at the Kravis Center’s Rinker Playhouse alongside professional dancers from South Florida. The students also performed at Miami Dade College and were treated to various cultural activities and events.
We continue to grow our reach through virtual events, ensuring Imagina’s children are not adversely affected by the global situation.